
Previous publications

Laval, M., Belmouhcine, A., Courtrai, L., Descloitres, J., Salazar-Garibay, A., Schamberger, L., Minghelli A. Thibaut T., Dorville R., Mazoyer C., Zongo P., & Chevalier, C. (2023). Detection of Sargassum from Sentinel Satellite Sensors Using Deep Learning Approach. Remote Sensing, 15(4), 1104 [link]

Podlejski, W., Berline, L., Nerini, D., Doglioli, A., & Lett, C. (2023). A new Sargassum drift model derived from features tracking in MODIS images. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 188, 114629 [link]

Schamberger, L., Minghelli, A., & Chami, M. (2022). Quantification of Underwater Sargassum Aggregations Based on a Semi-Analytical Approach Applied to Sentinel-3/OLCI (Copernicus) Data in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean. Remote Sensing, 14(20), 5230 [link]

Podlejski, W., Descloitres, J., Chevalier, C., Minghelli, A., Lett, C., & Berline, L. (2022). Filtering out false Sargassum detections using context features. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9 [link

Sosa-Gutierrez R., J. Jouanno, L. Berline, J. Descloitres, and C. Chevalier (2022). Impact of Tropical cyclones on pelagic Sargassum. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, 6[link]

Schamberger, L., Minghelli, A., Chami, M., Steinmetz, F. (2022). Improvement of Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Sentinel-3/OLCI Data for Oceanic Waters in Presence of Sargassum. Remote Sensing, 14, 386. [link]

Robledo, D., Vázquez-Delfín, E., Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Vásquez-Elizondo, R. M., Qui-Minet, Z. N., & Salazar-Garibay, A. (2021). Challenges and opportunities in relation to Sargassum events along the Caribbean Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 699664 [link]

Descloitres, J., Minghelli, A., Steinmetz, F., Chevalier, C., Chami, M., Berline, L. (2021). Revisited Estimation of Moderate Resolution Sargassum Fractional Coverage Using Decametric Satellite Data (S2/MSI). Remote Sensing, 13, 5106 [link].

Vázquez-Delfín, E., Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Salazar-Garibay, A., Serviere-Zaragoza, E., Méndez-Rodríguez, L. C., & Robledo, D. (2021). Species composition and chemical characterization of Sargassum influx at six different locations along the Mexican Caribbean coast. Science of the total Environment, 795, 148852 [link]

Minghelli, A., Chevalier, C., Descloitres, J., Berline, L., Blanc, P., & Chami, M. (2021). Synergy between Low Earth Orbit (LEO)—MODIS and Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO)—GOES Sensors for Sargassum Monitoring in the Atlantic Ocean. Remote Sensing, 13(8), 1444 [link]

Jouanno, J., J. S. Moquet, L. Berline, M.H. Radenac, W. Santini, T. Changeux, T. Thibaut, W. Podlejski, F. Menard, J.M. Martínez, O, Aumont, J. Sheinbaum, N. Filizola, G.D. Mounkandi N’kaya (2021). Evolution of the riverine nutrient export to the Tropical Atlantic over the last 15 years: is there a link with Sargassum proliferation ?. Environmental Research Letters. [link]

Jouanno, J., Benshila, R., Berline, L., Soulié, A., Radenac, M.-H., Morvan, G., Diaz, F., Sheinbaum, J., Chevalier, C., Thibaut, T., Changeux, T., Menard, F., Berthet, S., Aumont, O., Ethé, C., Nabat, P., and Mallet, M. (2021). A NEMO-based model of Sargassum distribution in the Tropical Atlantic: description of the model and sensitivity analysis (NEMO-Sarg1.0), Geosci. Model Dev. [link]

Berline, L., Ody, A., Jouanno, J., Chevalier, C., André, J. M., Thibaut, T., & Ménard, F. (2020). Hindcasting the 2017 dispersal of Sargassum algae in the Tropical North Atlantic. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 158, 111431. [link]